Thursday, December 3rd
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind I stayed on Thee,
because he trusteth in Thee. Trust in the Lord for ever
Isaiah 26:3, 4

Seek the Father's will in all things and you will be rewarded with the peace which passes knowledge and the love beyond all human understanding. Love will be your power for action and peace the context and the consequence. So has it been for all the faithful and the true of heart down countless ages and in every generation, despite all setbacks, suffering, deprivation and disappointments the faithfully committed to the Father's will have overcome each contrary circumstance, and in so doing they have glorified His Holy Name, and grown in spiritual stature. Not that the victory has always been apparent; obedience is all and the faithfully committed are content to leave all consequence in their Heavenly Father's loving hands.

The Father gives to all who seek His will and loving purpose the light to find, the power to follow. His Holy Spirit illumines and My Indwelling Presence is the means of ultimate fulfilment and continuous progression through Our saving, sanctifying love.

Trust in the Lord for ever.