Thursday, May 1st
Ascension Day
Acts 1:1-11. Ephesians 1:17-23

Let all rejoice today and every day for I, the Son of Man, the Father’s Love Incarnate, have made captivity captive and returned to take My place at the Father’s side. Yet I am not absent from the sons of men but powerfully present to all who call upon My name and seek the Father’s will and loving purpose in faith and trust, in self-giving and in love.

I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, became His Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love and through My death and risen life bring to His Presence all who are in Me and I in them through the grace and power of our Holy Spirit. The Son of God became the Son of Man in time and has brought His manhood into the fulness of the Godhead with Father and with Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, then, in this new creation in the hope and glory of My eternal Presence.